Guarantees for The Protection of Human Rights in The Iraqi Legal System


  • Alaa Kamel Abd University of Diyala - college of Islamic sciences



Human rights, legal system, Iraq.


The issue of human rights has become one of the topics of great importance in everything proposed or issued by the international community. Enabling individuals to exercise their rights is often linked to the stability of security and internal or external peace. Therefore, it has become obligatory for the state to give human rights a status. It is similar to its importance, and there is no way for it but to establish real guarantees for its practice, whether constitutional guarantees or in ordinary legislation within the state, and to work to enable its practice and protection and not restrict it by others or even by the authority, except for the requirements of the public interest or to preserve the rights of others and the issue of Including human rights in constitutions or ordinary legislation provides them with a certain amount of protection required, especially in the constitution. Due to the superiority and supremacy of the constitutional text over the rest of the texts of legislation, there is no room left for the state to renounce its obligations towards enabling individuals to exercise their rights, in addition to its obligations towards the international community in accordance with international agreements, which requires it to harmonize the texts contained in these agreements with the internal legislative texts. All of this gives broad momentum to adopt stronger human rights guarantees.


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