Process for protecting human rights from Electronic Blackmail Crime in Iraq


  • noor sabah yasir Diyala University - college of Physical education and sports sciences



Means of protection, Electronic Blackmail، human rights, punishment.


The scientific development of technological means has been accompanied by a development in the crimes committed, as the crime of electronic blackmail is considered one of the newly emerging crimes for which no special law has been issued that punishes its perpetrators. Therefore, in this research, we discussed the effective mechanisms to protect human rights from this crime and its effects. When searching among the texts of the Penal Code, we find more than one legal article that can be applied to the crime of electronic blackmail. It can be adapted as a crime of threatening, and at other times it is adapted as a crime of insult and defamation, and at other times it is adapted as a crime of revealing a secret, and the crime of electronic blackmail is adapted as one of the crimes. The precedent depends on the material element of the crime, and through research into the applied aspect, the researcher found that there are many judicial decisions that punished the crime of electronic blackmail. Therefore, we had to divide this research into two sections. The first section included the nature of the crime of electronic blackmail and came in two requirements. The first requirement was the concept of the crime of electronic blackmail and the second requirement was the elements of the crime of electronic blackmail. As for the second section, we discussed the mechanisms of constitutional and legal protection for the crime of electronic blackmail, and it was in the reality of two requirements that included The first requirement is the elements of the crime of electronic blackmail, and the second requirement is the constitutional and legal mechanisms for the crime of electronic blackmail.


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