The Image of the Means of Reparation for Iraqi Transitional Justice Laws in International Reports and Research (A Descriptive Analytical Comparative Study)


  • Haider Abdullah Fadhil University of Technology- Iraq - Department of Legal Affairs



The Iraqi Constitution, Human Rights, Compensation, Reparation, Transitional Justice Laws, Compensation for Those Affected, International Reports.


The Iraqi constitution of 2005 guaranteed human rights and public freedoms for its citizens, as the stage after the fall of the dictatorial regime after 2003 committed that the bill of human rights should be an integral part of this modern constitution, and among the rights that the Iraqi constitution sought to achieve in that time era is to seek to return those rights that were violated through the trials which happened precisely between the years 2005-2008, as well as what was caused by the terrorist organization Daesh during The occupation of a number of Iraqi provinces in 2014 .

Therefore, the Constitution and the Iraqi state have sought to establish appropriate mechanisms to guarantee these rights and freedoms by creating a number of institutions whose work is related to human rights, including the Ministry of human rights, the Ministry of migration and displaced persons, the High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq, transitional justice institutions (Martyrs Foundation, political prisoners Foundation) and other government institutions that have taken care of the category of women, children, youth, juveniles, people with special needs, victims of terrorism and military operations, and perhaps the Iraqi legislator has quoted these lofty principles in caring for these rights from The principles of Islamic Sharia and the principles of international law, where the violation of any obligation necessitates the need to repair the damage appropriately, what are the means used by the Iraqi legislator to mitigate or repair the damage in a manner consistent with legislation and international conventions .

Based on the constitutional texts, the Iraqi legislature has committed to legislating a number of laws that compensate, redress and rehabilitate those whose rights were violated, whether for the period preceding the political change in 2003 or after, including the law of political dismissals No. 24 of 2005 as amended, the laws of the Martyrs Foundation No. 3 of 2006 and (2) of 2016, the law of the institution of political prisoners No. 4 of 2006 and the law of compensation of those affected by military operations, military mistakes and terrorist operations No. 20 of 2009 as amended and the law on compensation of the property of those affected by the defunct law No. 16 of 2010 and the law of the property disputes resolution authority No. 2 of 2006 repealed, which It was replaced by Law No. 13 of 2010, and the latest law was Law No. 8 of 2021, the law of Yazidi survivors, where we will address in our research the reference to the method adopted by the legislator in reparation for damage by reviewing samples of these legislations by studying the description, analysis and comparison with the Libyan legislation due to the link between the two countries (i.e. Iraq and Libya).


اولا: الدساتير:

I. دستور جمهورية العراق لعام 2005.

II. الدستور الليبي لعام 2011.

ثانيا: القوانين:

I. القانون المدني العراقي رقم (40) لسنة 1951.

II. القانون المدني الليبي رقم (1) لسنة 1953.

III. قانون اصول المحاكمات الجزائية رقم (23) لسنة 1971

IV. قانون المفصولين السياسيين رقم (24) لسنة 2005 المعدل.

V. قانوني مؤسسة الشهداء رقم (3) لسنة 2006 و (2) لسنة 2016.

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XI. قانون رقم 29 لسنة 2013 م بشأن العدالة الانتقالية في ليبيا.

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https: //

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https: //

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الدراسات والبحوث المنشورة في المجلات العلمية:

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VI. الكوني علي أعبودة، نظرات في آليات جبر الضرر في المسار الليبي للعدالة الانتقالية، بحث منشور في مجلة دراسات قانونية-ليبيا.

VII. د. خليفة ابراهيم التميمي، نور صباح ياسر، اجراءات وطبيعة التعويض في نظام العدالة الجنائية، بحث منشور في مجلة العلوم القانونية والسياسية، المجلد السادس، العدد الثاني 2017.

VIII. نور الدين قطيش السكارنة، الطبيعة القانونية للضرر المرتد، رسالة ماجستير مقدمة الى جامعة الشرق الاوسط، الاردن.

IX. د.طلال جاسم حمادي، التعويض عن الاضرار في الفقه الاسلامي والقانون الدولي العام، بحث منشور في مجلة كلية العلوم القانونية والسياسية، المجلد العاشر، العدد 37، 2021.

X. علي كاطع حاجم، مدى التزام الدولة بتعويض ضحايا الارهاب وفقاً لقانون (20) لسنة (2009)، بحث منشور في مجلة اهل البيت عليهم السلام العدد (14) .

XI. محمود حمد، العدالة الانتقالية في ليبيا تشريعات عدة بلا مردود في الواقع، بحث منشور في مجلة سياسات عربية، العدد (47)، 2020.

المقالات والبحوث والبيانات المنشورة على شبكة الانترنت:

I. مقال حول العدالة الانتقالية | International Center for Transitional Justice (منظمة جسور الدولية.

II. جبر الضرر امام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية, مقال منشور على موقع حماة القانون، الاردن

https: //

III. موقع الموسوعة السياسية الالكتروني، مفهوم العدالة الانتقالية

. https: //

IV. قواعد بيانات القانون الدولي الانسانيdhttps: //


First: Constitutions:

I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.

II. Libyan Constitution of 2011.

Second: Laws:

I. Iraqi Civil Law No. (40) of 1951.

II. Libyan Civil Law No. (1) of 1953.

III. Code of Criminal Procedure No. (23) of 1971

IV. Political Dismissal Law No. (24) of 2005, amended.

V. Martyrs Foundation Laws No. (3) of 2006 and (2) of 2016.

VI. Political Prisoners Institution Law No. (4) of 2006.

VII. Law on Compensation for those affected by military operations, military errors, and terrorist operations No. (20) of 2009, as amended.

VIII. The Law on Compensating Properties of Those Affected by the Defunct Regime No. (16) of 2010 and the repealed Property Disputes Resolution Authority Law No. (2) of 2006, which was replaced by Law No. (13) of 2010.

IX. Law No. (8) of 2021, the Law of Yazidi Women Survivors.

X. Law No. 31 of 2013 regarding the report of some provisions for the Abu Salim prison massacre.

XI. Law No. 29 of 2013 regarding transitional justice in Libya.

Third: Legal books:

I. Wahba Al-Zuhaili, The Theory of Guarantee or the Provisions of Civil and Criminal Liability in Islamic Jurisprudence, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut, 2012.

II. Hashim Marouf Al-Hasani, Criminal Liability in Jaafari Jurisprudence, Dar Al-Ma'aref / Beirut, 1987.

III. Muhammad Nasr Muhammad, Mediator in International Law, Library of Law and Economics, Riyadh, 2012 edition.

IV. Dr. Rajab Abdel Moneim Metwally, The Principle of Prohibiting the Seizure of Others’ Lands by Force, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, 2001.

V. Dr. Suleiman Markus, The Shepherd’s Supposed Responsibility for the Pasture’s Act in Techniques of the Arab Countries 1968, League of Arab States, Institute for Arab Research and Studies.

VI. Dr. Abdel Majeed Abdel Hakim and Dr. Abdul Qader Al-Bakri and Dr. Muhammad Taha Al-Bashir - Al-Wajeez in the Theory of Commitment in Iraqi Civil Law - Part 1 - Al-Sanhouri Library - Baghdad - 2011

VII. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hamid Ashoush, Dr. Omar Abu Bakr Bakhashab, mediator in public international law.

VIII. Hassan Ali Al-Dhanoun, "Almabsut Fi Almaswuwliat Altaqsiriati, Dar Wayil for publishing", Amman-Jordan.

IX. Abdul Razzaq Al-Sanhouri. Al-Waseet fi Sharh al-Nadwi Civil Law, Volume 2, Section 1, Beirut, Lebanon: Al-Halabi Legal Publications.

Fourth: Legal and linguistic books:

I. Ahmed bin Faris bin Zakaria Al-Qazwini Al-Razi, Abu Al-Hussein (d. 395 AH), Dictionary of Language Standards, edited by: Abdul Salam Muhammad Haroun, publisher: Dar Al-Fikr, 1979.

II. Al-Fayrouzabadi, Al-Qamus Al-Muhit, edited by: Heritage Investigation Office at Al-Resala Foundation, Beirut - Lebanon, eighth edition, 1426 AH - 2005 AD.

III. Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-Arab, Dar Sader - Beirut, 3rd edition - 1414 AH, part 4.

IV. Kuwaiti Jurisprudence Encyclopedia.

V. Ahmed Mukhtar Abdel Hamid Omar, Dictionary of the Contemporary Arabic Language, World of Books edition, 1st edition 2008.

VI. Islamic concepts, a group of authors, published by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs - Egypt, without a year of publication.

VII. Hassan Al-Mustafawi, an investigation into the words of the Holy Qur’an, without a year of publication or publishing house.

VIII. Muhammad Al-Madani Bousaq, Compensation for Damage in Islamic Jurisprudence, Seville Publishing and Distribution House, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1999.

Fifth: Thesis and Dissertation:

I. Saad Dawhihi Al-Subaie - Compensation for Administrative Decisions, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, 2012.

II. Nour al-Din Qutaish al-Sakarna, The Legal Nature of Reciprocating Damage, Master’s thesis submitted to the Middle East University, Jordan.

Sixth: International reports and research:

I. Eric Stover et al., Deferred Justice Accountability and Social Reconstruction in Iraq, Research Published on the Internet.

II. Rule of Law Tools Needed for States Emerging from Conflict (Reparations Programmes), a publication issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (United Nations), 2006.

III. Clara Sandoval and Sarah Bottic, Reparations for Victims of the Conflict in Iraq: Lessons from Comparative Practices, Ceasefire Center for Civilian Rights and Minority Rights Group International, November 2017.

IV. Program Report of the International Center for Transitional Justice, published online

V. Emanuela Chiara-Gillard, Repairing Damages Resulting from Violations of International Humanitarian Law, research published on the Internet.

VI. ICTJ Program Report: Reparations Prepared by ICTJ Reparations Program Director, Ruben Carranza, and Senior Program Associate, Christian Correa.

VII. The global report for the year (2023) on Iraq issued by Human Rights Watch, link to the report

VIII. Rehabilitation, an article extracted from an interview with Professor Nimshya Patel, published on the Alliance for Fair Compensation website. Link to the article:

IX. 9- A joint statement on the implementation of the Yazidi Survivors Law published on the Human Rights Watch website. Link to the article:

X. Ali Bakht and others, transitional justice in Iraq, memory agreed to the future, Human Development Organization, Oman, 2021.

XI. A guide to procedures for reparation and compensation for affected Iraqis in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2009 and its amendments. The guide was prepared by a group of teachers from the University of Mosul in cooperation with the British Ceasefire Foundation.

XII. Report of the “Reparations, Liability and Victimization in Transitional Societies” project, prepared in collaboration between Queen’s University Belfast Law School, the University of Essex, Dublin City University, and Brandeis University. As part of translating research into real-world applications.

XIII. Muhammad Faiq, Transitional Justice is a Path to the Future. This article is among a group of articles published in the book Arab Justice in Arab Contexts, the Arab Organization for Human Rights.

Studies and Research Published in Scientific Journals:

I. Ali Kate Hajim, Compensation for Moral Injury in Sustainable Military Mistakes, a study of amended Law 20 of 2009, research published in Ahl al-Bayt journal.

II. Amran Governorate, Presumed Damage: A Study in Light of the International Law Commission Project Concerning the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, research published in the Jordanian Journal of Law and Political Science, Volume (11) Issue (1) 2019 AD.

III. Muhammad Taha Hussein Al-Husseini, Damage and Compensation in Administrative Judiciary, research published in the Iraqi University Journal, Issue (52) in 2019.

IV. Khaled bin Muhammad Al-Youssef, the concept of harm in international law, its types and conditions, research published in the Journal of the College of Islamic and Arab Studies for Girls in Alexandria, Issue 38, Second Edition.

V. Muhammad Ghazi Nasser, Qahtan Adnan Aziz, Iraq’s application of international standards regarding the protection of victims of terrorism, research published in the Babil Journal for the Human Sciences, Issue (5), 2019.

VI. Al-Koni Ali Abouda, Considerations on the Mechanisms of Reparation in the Libyan Path to Transitional Justice, research published in the Journal of Legal Studies - Libya.

VII. Dr. Khalifa Ibrahim Al-Tamimi, Nour Sabah Yasser, procedures and nature of compensation in the criminal justice system, research published in the Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2017.

VIII. Nour al-Din Qutaish al-Sakarna, The Legal Nature of Reciprocating Damage, Master’s thesis submitted to the Middle East University, Jordan.

IX. Dr. Talal Jassim Hammadi, Compensation for Damages in Islamic Jurisprudence and Public International Law, research published in the Journal of the College of Legal and Political Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021.

X. Ali Katta Hajim, the extent of the state’s commitment to compensation for the victims of terrorism in accordance with the law (20) for the year (2009), a discussion published in the Ahl al -Bayt magazine, peace be upon them, number (14).

XI. Mahmoud Hamad, Transitional Justice in Libya: Several Legislations with No Benefit in Reality, research published in the Arab Politics Journal, Issue (47), 2020.

Articles, Researches Published On the Internet:

I. Article on transitional justice | International Center for Transitional Justice ( Jusoor International Organization.

II. Reparations before the International Criminal Court, an article published on the Guardians of the Law website, Jordan

III. The electronic political encyclopedia website, the concept of transitional justice.

IV. International Humanitarian Law Databases ihl/v1/rule150#refFn_C3226BE_00065.

