Utilities of the Euphrates' Waters among Countries Sharing Watercourses According to International Law


  • Omar Ahmed Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Jabar Mohammed Mahdi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Waters, Euphrates, Countries sharing watercourses, International Law


The Euphrates River is one of the most important rivers in the Middle East. Its waters feed several countries, namely Turkey, Syria and Iraq. These countries depend mainly on the waters of this river to achieve human development. Euphrates is an international river in accordance with the international concept (an international watercourse) and has its own independent water basin and its independent water network separated from other basins. The upstream countries started to use and utilize its waters taking no consideration to the rights and interests of the downstream state, Iraq. The large number of projects established by Turkey and Syria led to the shortage of waters entering Iraq, as well as the deterioration of their quality and lack of validity for some purposes causing damages to Iraq, especially in the agricultural sector and other sectors. The works of the upstream countries on the Euphrates River are breaching the principles and rules of international law concerning international rivers, including the rule of equitable and reasonable usage and utility as well as the rule of non-harm and pollution control.


القرآن الكريم

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The Holy Quran

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