Minorities and Self-determination under the Rules of International Law


  • Ahmed Tareq Yassin Almaola College of Political Science - University of Mosul


Minorities, Self-determination, International Law


The problem of minorities is one of the challenges that have emerged recently, though it does exist throughout history. People belonging to national, religious or linguistic minorities cannot be denied. The concern for the rights of minorities is a reflection of international awareness of individual or collective human rightsThe minority enjoys all the rights stipulated in international conventions and treaties concerning human rights and addressing any violation of these rights of minorities. This international response is launched for the purpose of conformity with the international legal reference of the United Nations on one hand. On the other hand, imposing the organizational development of the principles of human rights and its fundamental freedoms and committing an international obligations to protect all elements of human rights, in particular the right to self-determination within the international system framework from one point of view and by means of international intervention to protect those rights as wellThus, we find that international intervention to protect those rights; on the other hand, recognition of the rights of minorities is growing as an integral part of the work of the United Nations in the promotion and protection of human rights, sustainable human development and peace and security.


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