Disabled’s Special Guarantees under Iraqi Constitution of 2005


  • Marwa Hussein Dawood University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Guarantees, rights, disabled


There are a number of guarantees aiming at ensuring respect, rights protection and non-aggression or violation of them. Thus, they are essential for disabled to enjoy and practice their rights. There are judicial and political guarantees, in addition to the role of institutions and authorities concerned with the disabled to ensure their rights. As well as the role of civil society organizations in defending and ensuring their rights.


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Fourth : constitutions and laws :

A-constitutions :

-the Constitution of Iraq 2005 ad.


- the law on the care of people with disabilities and special needs No. 38 of 2013, published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 4295, dated 28/10/2013.

-The Gifted school law of 2001.

-the Iraqi political parties Law No. 36 of 2015 is published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 4383 dated October 12, 2015.

-Social Welfare Law No. 126 of 1980, published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 2783, dated 14/7/1980.

Fifth: regulations and instructions :

-the system of institutes for the care and education of the disabled No. 5 of 1991, published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 3370 on 3/8/1991.

-instructions No. 4 of 1991 for special disabled care homes and institutes No. 4 of 1991, published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 3380 issued on 18/11/1991.

-instructions of the tasks and divisions of the formations of the commission for the care of people with disabilities and special needs, Iraqi fact sheet No. 4414 issued on August 29, 2014 ad.

Sixth: court decisions :

(1) U.S. 356 - Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama v. Garrett.

(2) U.S. Supreme court, Daryl Alkins V. Virginias، No.00_8452 (20 june 2002 ( .

(3) Conseil d'Etat, du 4 8 2009,0311434، publié au recueil Lebon 4 CE, 22 octobre 2010, Mme B. - n °301572

(4) Décision n ° 2011-639 DC du 28 juillet 2011

Seventh: reports :

-the annual report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the secretary-general, the issue of the death penalty, the General Assembly, 2014.

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Eighth: websites :

-the decision of the Administrative Judiciary Court No. 228 of 2012 is published on the Website: https// WWW.moj.gov.iq / view. 160

-Hazem Adel, published the reasons for the administrative ruling on the eligibility of people with special needs in the appointment on May 28 on the website :WWW.youm 7.com/ story/201615/88 /2737298

-fulfillment of the rite, Higher Administrative :the entitlement of the disabled to recover a medically equipped car exempt from customs taxes, on the website of :albedaiah.com /news /2017 /6/4/136699






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