Medical Mistakes Amongst the Negligence of Both Physician’s Diagnosis and the pharmacist’s Prescription - Comparative study in Jurisprudence and Iraqi


  • Jawad Ahmed Kadhim Al-Bahadli College of Law - University of Kufa


Medical Mistakes, Negligence, Physician, Pharmacist


The research discusses the problem of medical mistakes amongst the negligence of the physician’s diagnosis and pharmacist’s prescription. As it follows up closely the responsibility arisen from such mistakes in terms of law and jurisprudence and detects the responsible person by means of determining the cases of mistakes’ incidence and the causes such as negligence. Consequently, there will be a liability of compensation upon the person who is in charge. In addition to indicate the aspects of responsibility such as the eligibility of the pharmacist or the physician including a study that involves the discussion over various opinions according to law and jurisprudence. Research Key: Medical mistake is a mistake that occurs throughout the practice of medical professions due to the lack of experience or efficiency of the physician or of his co-workers as a result of exercising modern methods of treatment, an emergency which requires speed at the expense of accuracy or due to the nature of        a complex treatment.


- القرآن الكريم

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