The Ruling with Obligation and the Ruling with validity


  • Ali Qasim Zidan Faculty of Islamic Sciences - University of Diyala


The Ruling with Obligation, The Ruling with validity


The purpose of achieving this jurisprudence study is to the preference to Islamic law, as stated in its introduction: Praise be to Allah who prescribed the laws and its virtues, and singled us out with its generosity and virtues and gave us a judgment. The study pertains the explaining of the Wqif, endowment, with its conditions and the detention with its instructions. The introduction includes the importance of choosing  this topic and the reasons behind such choice as well as its methodology.  As for the theoretical part of the study, it will involve defining the aspect of ruling with obligation,  ruling with validity and the life of the author "Ahmed bin Alaa Al-Qurashi Hanafi", and described the manuscript, and its most important characteristics of jurisprudence. As a conclusion, I will mention the difficulties I have encountered because of a lack of access to the author's life in detail. As for the investigation part, I was interested in editing the text with all honesty. I investigated the author's words,  pointed out to the Qur'anic verses and their virtues, came out to the hadiths sharif books, and translated the publications, books and the mysterious vocabularies mentioned in the manuscript and made a public index for sources, references and net websites that I referred to.


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