The role of private banks in financing the slum development fund - A study in the light of the social responsibility of banks


  • Ali Ghanim Ayoob Nothern Technical University- Technical Institute
  • Alaa Saeed Qasim Nothern Technical University- Technical Institute


Slums, private banks, financing of social activities, slums development fund


The Residential Slum Development Fund is one of the means that countries rely on for the purpose of countering the negative effects of residential slums. It directly contributes to the development of residential slums through its role in residential random rehabilitation and organizing it in a planned urban manner and providing basic services for residential slums as well as its role in Finding urban housing for slums that are not eligible for urban rehabilitation. Private banks contribute to facing residential slums through their role in providing financial support to the slum development fund in order to be able to fulfill the role entrusted to it in full. The goal of banks should not be limited to achieving profits, but it must perform its activities in a way that benefits the society from its social responsibility by employing part of its financial resources to achieve social goals and in accordance with laws and regulations that regulate the operations of private banks.

Author Biographies

Ali Ghanim Ayoob, Nothern Technical University- Technical Institute

Nothern Technical University- Technical Institute- Nineveh - Iraq

Alaa Saeed Qasim, Nothern Technical University- Technical Institute

Northern Technical University - Technical Institute – Nineveh - Iraq


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