Cyber Space War Concept – Tools and Applications


  • Anmar Mosa Jawad Yarmouk University College - Iraq


Cyber Space War, Security, Electronic threats, Deterrence


In the twenty first century, due to the increasing reliance of developed countries on the Internet networks, and infrastructure's link with these networks. Cyberspace has emerged to form a new dimension and another challenge for the countries. Countries are no longer afraid of  attacks that might occur on land, air or sea territory only, but they become alarmed  by a new kind of war, a cyberspace  war that take the Internet networks and computer as a scene of war. These wars have new effective theaters and arenas that ceased the actual defensive value-border point of view. Furthermore, it legally terminate the relationship between war and peace creating a state of instability and increased state of security disclosure. Which require a reformulation of the concept of security in line with new developments in the concept of cyberspace. These wars has a range of features motivating parties initiating attack using certain types of tools and weapons with special properties  that do not need to store and cannot be controlled, reduced or removed just like traditional weapons. These wars are not  just scenes of fiction, but they have been applied in reality among nations. World has witnessed  cyber space wars that accompanied  to with states of  an armed conflict, and cyber space war by itself.


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