The purposes of elections in countries after ethnic conflicts


  • Khalaf Saleh Ali Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Iraq


Purposes, elections, ethnic conflicts


Elections in post-ethnic conflict countries have goals that they seek to achieve and limit the effects of violent extremism against an ethnically different one. Establishing the foundations for peaceful coexistence between social components, achieving political stability, and the peaceful rotation of power are the purposes of the electoral mechanism in countries that suffer from conflicts on ethnic grounds. The post-conflict phase needs new mechanisms to remove all causes of conflict or limit their effects, and in this case we need fair elections, independent administration and transparent mechanisms that limit the conflict of ethnic identities, sectarian polarizations and atonement. From all this the research aims to analyze the purposes of the elections and determine the most important ones to reach to the peaceful coexistence of social components to build sustainable peace in Iraq.

Author Biography

Khalaf Saleh Ali, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Office of the Scientific Vice President - Iraq


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