he inevitable establishment of a special electronic crimes seizure


  • Bu Qurayn Abdul Halim Department of Law - University of Laghouat - Algeria


inevitable, electronic crimes


In many states, the specialization in investigation and in rule on the electronic crimes relates to the seizure device in charge of research and investigation. Besides, the ordinary jurisdiction in its criminal aspect. Making such kinds of crimes too difficult to be explored or  to be proved. This is due to the lack of know-how scientific and technical experience for the judiciary men in this area. Though the law often permits the expertise support to determine the circumstances of the case and then to approach the truth.  However,  the investigator's  experience as well as his briefed at the crime's given data are what we have to rely upon to achieve justice. The difficulty of discovering such kind of crimes, primarily, and the inability of doing an investigation without resorting to experience, secondly, make us in front of un equitable equation. Its first  party is the investigation devices  lacking experience in the field of computers, the internet and e-transactions. Its second party is the hackers that are highly skilled and well coped with the recent information and communication in the world of technology.  Therefore,  there is a necessity to calling for the establishment of a seizure, a device or a special body to investigate and search this type of crimes. It does not have to be  relied on physical strength or training but to be dependent on technical skills in the field of information and communication technology as a first stage to create a specialist jurisdiction ruling in these crimes.


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