United States attempts to deal with humanitarian right to intervention for disseminations


  • Adel Hamza Othman Center for Strategic and International Studies- Baghdad University


United States, terrorism, human rights


Human rights and combating terrorism they became device, however, some major countries actors in the international system, use it when find that it serves its interests and its strategic objectives. This duplication also pulled on some international organizations and non-governmental organizations dealing with human rights have been politicized and biased to certain countries and the interests of the humanitarian principles of the service account , And with the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty first century was recorded serious declines in the field of human rights widely the name of combating terrorism, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and to achieve the strategic objectives of the United States dominance of the payment status of many international conventions on combating terrorism and protecting human rights the United States interests are served. The United States behavior put the development of the international law future in front of a big risk and caused its rules and procedures and structures serious damage needs to be repaired decades, So that the protection of human rights and combating terrorism they became a device of intervention and control in the path of international relations and that many international organizations have become politicized and influenced by American intervention, and this dilemma is worth looking at ., So the study reviews the development of the concept of human rights and combating terrorism and the role of international organizations in the protection of human rights and its effect on international pressures and who made some of them as a tool to serve the interests and political objectives.


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