Iraq's role in the change strategy in the Middle East


  • Hussein Hafidh W Center for Strategic and International Studies- Baghdad University


Change Strategy


With the beginning of the Arab revolutions at the end of 2010 and the fall of many of the regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, it seemed clear that the entire Arab region on the verge of big changes. These changes reach the level of geopolitical turning points on the sense of split states to each other and the emergence of new political entities.  The revolutions in some countries have been evolved to stage of political instability, such as Syria, which has turned into a stage of civil war and Libya as well as well as Yemen, who lives several years ago an internal split that could lead to fragmentation into several states. That critical stage in the life of the Arab political systems open the door to questions about the potential role that Iraq could play in light of these changes, which seem to be the external factor was an active by virtue of the Arab region is a strategic attraction point for international intersections area. The questions revolves around the potential and opportunities for Iraq in which he can play a regional role, or turned into an arena for regional and international conflicting roles in the region.


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