Development of higher education and strategic knowledge Iraq a model.


  • . Khalifah Ibrahim Uda University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Ali Yaseen Abdullah University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


Stemming from the new challenges that were imposed by the policy of economical and cultural global and the technological development that happened within the last few years specially within the fields of information and communication technology ways which the important one was the information technology which has proved great economical  advantages in many countries specially in countries don’t have enough natural resources . Stemming from the role of education and higher education in moving nations to inter the new world and in improving human development levels and to strength the national security for countries . It's necessary to work in order to improve the quality of higher education in Arab Home lard on the whole and specially in lrag also in its accordance to society and the lab our market , working on putting policy national general and special view to the branches of higher education and determined following of labor's stages that help in carrying fixed aims emerged from it so as to participate in the overall human development for society and to achieve more of economical progress. Studying defector of educational in the Arab region remakes that there are many challenges like high rate of literacy , and the weak approach to the educational establishments , that became a trouble and necessity imposed itself as realism for any direction to face it and to find subjective solutions for it  , considering that there are obvious differences between Arab countries in domain spread this phenomena , that it constraint between poor countries that it reach to per cent 60% and reduce in the rich countries to reach within to percent 10%. That because of that weaknesses of Arab government in this side. That pushes many of their citizens to leave the apporchenity of learning and go to look for job . To reduce the effect of this phenomena we have to look for many solutions for in order to achieve overall (Iso) . 


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