Nationality descended from the mother and enhanced in the region - a comparative study


  • Ahmed Salman Shehayeb Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Iraq


Nationality is defined in private international law as: It is a legal and regulatory center regulated by the state according to its discretionary power. In order for it to be a political, legal and spiritual bond between the individual and the state, it entails obligations and is one of the tools for determining the people’s corner in it. It contains national individuals without foreigners due to the social and economic developments that have prevailed in the third world countries in recent times, including Arab societies, where the relations between foreigners and nationals overlapped, and the large number of mixed marriages between them. The difference in laws between countries in regulating their nationality has led to a large number of statelessness for individuals born to Arab mothers and foreign fathers. Explanation of how to impose the nationality of the mother in the Iraqi nationality law and comparative laws And that through two sections. The first is the concept of nationality, where it deals with the concept of nationality by addressing its definition in the first requirement, and in the second requirement, the pillars of nationality. As for the second topic, it showed the position of the legislation on the nationality of the mother and the reinforcement of the right of the region through two demands. From the results of this research, which help to solve the problem.


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القوانين :-
1- قانون الجنسية العراقية رقم (26) لسنة 2006 النافذ .




