The Turkey Attitude towards Political Changes in Arab Area


  • Nadher Mahmood Ameen University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


The Turkish politics has been never stable towards the Arab revolutions, especially when it is happened in Libya. The Turkish politicians did not take clear stand from the Libyan revolution but even they stood against any external intervention towards the general regime of MuaMar Al-Qadafe. Later on, they were forced to change their stand under the pressures of United States of America and Arab countries.  So their stand was becoming similar to Arab countries and USA. But the rush of Arabian rapid changes and transfers made the whole world astonished including the Turkish leaders who were preferring quite transformation into Arab countries in a form which did not affect on the Turkish regional role which is increased within few past years in the Arab area. The Turkish role is based on the theory of "strategic depth" which means that the location of Turkey and its history made it ready to move positively in all directions, especially in the direction, which is close to its boundaries. Therefore, it can keep its security and achieve its interests. To do this purpose, it must end the Turkish boycott with Middle East area and its issues, which are since long decades. Turkey lived during these decades in isolation and backwards inside "Anodal Plain", and it conducts as marginal state or as apart of NATO and western camp.


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مواقع انترنت :

http// amec .org /za/ articles – present ions – turkey position towards the popular Arab revolutions .
alsabeel . net
Aljazeera . net
ww w. acpss . ahramdigital . org
www //




