Violence and its impact on political stability in Iraq After the year 2003: a study in the internal and external Factors


  • Kholoud Muhammad Khamis Al-Mustansiriya University - College of Political Science
  • Yathrib Khattab Mandeel Tikrit University - College of Political Sciences


violence, political stability, Iraq


There are many concepts and terms that attempt to clarify violence, but the prevailing and circulating definition within societies remains the illegal use of physical force in multiple ways to harm people and damage property, and thus create many results that have led to the creation of a state of political instability inside Iraq since 2003. The phenomenon of violence has varied In its causes and objectives, the internal causes and the external factors harmonized with each other in order to cause many forms of violence inside Iraq, and thus instability prevailed for many years. The exit of the occupier from the lands of Iraq did not reduce the cases of violence, but rather that certain years increased in the use of violence against the entire spectrum of the Iraqi people.


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