Solidarity in relief of the afflicted (a comparative constitutional study)


  • Mohammed Ezat fadhil University of Mosul - College of Law


Solidarity, assistance, danger, federalism, calamity


The need for solidarity arises when the life of the individual or society is exposed to a danger that he cannot prevent. Solidarity imposes the provision of positive assistance to others in times of calamities, as a result of the existence of common human interest and many democratic constitutions have addressed the solidarity between emphasis and mitigation of its provisionsThe Iraqi constitution /2005 gave the legislature and executive power the possibility of imposing restrictions on the prohibition of forced labor which lead to restricting freedom. The Iraqi constitution did not treat explicitly the competence of the Union or regions to give assistance to regions are unable to deal with emergency disasters and crises. This does not prevent the existence of a federal law imposing mutual assistance in order to protect the unity of Iraq according to the constitution. However, in the reality there are legislative weakness in this area.


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