General amnesty and its impact on peace building


  • Dhafer Ahmed Mandeel Tikrit University - College of Arts


general amnesty, reconciliation, forgiveness, peace building


Some countries in which civil wars or internal conflicts take place may resort to a number of mechanisms in order to build peace and national reconciliation. Among these mechanisms are the issuance of general amnesty laws as the general amnesty is a legislative procedure issued by the state’s legislative body and the judicial and executive authorities implement that law. The amnesty measures are subject to the discretionary power of countries emerging from conflict by preventing the prosecution of perpetrators of crimes in order to prevent returning to disputes again. We see that there are countries that have expanded the scope of amnesty to include all crimes committed, even if they are serious crimes, and there are some countries that narrowed the scope of the amnesty to suit with its obligations to protect human rights. It has been prevented from including serious crimes in the draft amnesty laws. Therefore, we believe that the primary purpose of issuing these laws is to achieve lasting peace in those


القرآن الكريم:

Holy Qur’an:

اولا: المعاجم العربية:

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The Holy Quran:

Holy Qur’an:

First: Arabic dictionaries:

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Second: Books in Arabic:

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Third: Research:


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Fourth: legislation:


I. Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005

II. Criminal Procedure Law No. 23 of 1971 as amended .

III. The statute of limitations was passed in Uruguay in 1986.

IV. The National Reconciliation Act No. 145 was passed in Guatemala in 1996.

V. Amnesty Law No. 27 issued in Indonesia in 2004.

VI. General amnesty law No. 27 issued in Iraq in 2016

Fifth: reports:


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