Domestic violence and its influence in juvenile delinquents


  • Khalifa Ibrahim Auda University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq
  • Salwa Faieq Al- Shihaby University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science - Iraq


The phenomenon of domestic violence is one of the widespread social phenomena, it is a world-wide phenomenon and despite the increase of contrast between one country and another, the suffering is the same everywhere. Violence is the use of illegal force by an adult in the family against the other individuals The domestic violence is one of the most dangerous ways of human rights violations. The subject of juvenile delinquents is considered one of the serious and important topics in the current time, with mounting danger in case it is neglected and it is regarded important because it is related directly or indirectly, to half the population of the community, who are the young and juvenile who will take the responsibility of community building and leading in the future. The problem of juvenile delinquency is one of the serious problems that society faces, especially in light of the marked increase in the rates of juvenile delinquency which requires addressing this problem and find out the reasons leading to it. The current research aims to identify the domestic violence and its relationship to juvenile delinquency. The research instrument is applied on a sample of (100) juvenile delinquents (70) males and (30) females were included search tool two sections the first section contains personal information consisting of (18 questions) and the Department of the other contains data for domestic violence, has reached the researchers to following results: -1 - All guests were subjected to domestic violence, which caused the deviation events .2 - the social status of the family is the main cause of juvenile delinquency. 3 - level of education your parents has an impact on juvenile delinquency .4 - accumulation of family members in one family, as well as cruel treatment made from this category deviate from Guanyin society. 5 - loss of parents or one of them is the main reason for the deviation of juvenile delinquency and the role of Baz in the formation of the child's personality and assistant to cope with life. As a complement to search the current researchers have found a set of recommendations: -1 - Work to increase awareness of family, through the intensification of programs for the family and the child through various media .2 - stimulating events to obey their parents and listen to their advice and guidance 3 - activation of dialogue and debate between members Alasrhlaata events the opportunity to express their views and work to meet their needs. 4 - Coordination with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and other relevant bodies on the work of children and preventing children from work is not nine years old for any reason The researchers suggested a number of research, including:  -1 - make comparative studies between male and female events to find out the factors leading to delinquency. 2 - a study on the impact of community on children in prisons Molodn 3 - a study similar to the current study dealing with the other variables


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