The Map of Struggle and Domination in Syria until 2019


  • Ali Yaseen Abdullah Al-Iraqia University - College of Arts - Iraq


Map of conflict, Domination, Syria


The study of the map of conflict and domination in Syria is one of the studies that requires an understanding of what is going on in Syria in terms of crises before and after the events of March 11, 2011. The set of political، economic and social crises، and the emergence of local, regional and international forces, later formed a map of control in the Syrian arena. These crises were classified as main problems for the study as they were able to deepen the disagreement and sustain the conflict. Then, in order for the study to reach its objectives and draw an objective map of control for the parties to the conflict, it was necessary for the researcher to study and review the size of the local, regional and international forces that formed the map of control in the Syrian arena, with a focus on the period from 2014-2019 as being one of the most dramatic periods in the map of control on the Syrian arena. Therefore this study was able to gain its importance by being the first to address the map of control over the Syrian arena.


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I. Mstitute for the study of wer (isw). moshihstion


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I. Mstitute for the study of wer (isw). moshihstion




