The position of the United States of America on the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany


  • Ayman Abd Aoon University of Diyala – College of Law and political Sciences - Iraq


Position, America, Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany


Germany witnessed two world wars in the twentieth century. It fought against the major powers in Europe and the world which led to its collapse in both wars. As well as the consequent conditions for each of these two wars, and the negative consequences represented in the control of the winning countries in World War II on Berlin and its division between the two poles: The American and the Soviet  according to their mutual interests and with the aim of weakening and controlling them. Despite all that, Germany was able to rise and resist the plans of the countries controlling its lands, including the United States of America’s role in that. It was able to rise again, and it resisted the conflicting currents in the world. After the fall of Berlin’s Wall in 1989, it was able to unify its eastern and western parts in 1990, which thus contributed to its emergence as a power on the European continent. It worked to strengthen Europe and enabled it in a unified and coherent way under the name of the European Union. After tireless and comprehensive efforts with its counterparts from other European countries, Germany worked to consolidate the Union and made it play an effective role in the global political arena in a good way, especially in front of the United States of America, which supported the division of Germany in order to weaken it specially after the Red Army occupying almost half of its territory. Thus stood  against it in all surrender treaties before the Allied countries, and caused its parts to be dispersed and distributed to countries, but Germany reconstructed itself and reuniting it not long ago.


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