Corona and political concepts: Security, rights, and priority debate


  • Ahmed Ali Mohammed College of Law and Political Science- Anbar University


COVID19, National Security, Human Rights, Globalization


  The Corona crisis has revived controversy and debate about the value and intellectual system on which institutions and practices are based in our contemporary world. A major review process has begun at the philosophical and intellectual level for the ideological and intellectual foundations, and for the structures and institutions that have been entrenched during the last decades. This crisis has shed light on the failure of globalization policies, and restored consideration The role of the state, as it brought to light the issue of national security and its concept, and strengthened the authority of states and governments at the expense of the rights of individuals and groups, and it seems that this review process may force a review of the content of many of the political concepts that have prevailed in recent decades.


الكتب العربية:

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V. سامية بن يحي، كـورونا الدرس الآسيوي للعالم. متاح على الموقع الالكتروني:

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X. عماد الدين حسين، مفاهيم اسقطها كورونا. متاح على الموقع الالكتروني:

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XVI. مصطفى السراي، جائحة كورونا تغير مفاهيم العلاقات الدولية، متاح على الموقع الالكتروني:

XVII. المحامية نسرين زريقات, تحديات جائحة كورونا واثرها على حقوق الانسان. متاح على الموقع الالكتروني:www//

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المصادر الاجنبية:

Foreign Books:

I. Alicia Ely Yamin and Roojin Habibi, Human Rights and Coronavirus: What’s at Stake for Truth, Trust, and Democracy? Available on website:

II. Coronavirus News, How COVID-19 Change the Concept of National Security and the Secret Services 04/05/2020. available on website: www//

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V. John R. Allen and others, The Military, Policing and COVID-19: Executive Summary, April 2020 . available on website:

VI. Samantha power, How the COVID-19 Era will Change National Security Forever. 14 April 2020. available on the website : www// /.

VII. Stephan Blank, Coronavirus has Changed the Future of National Security Forever. Here's how. April 2020. available on the website:

VIII. UN news, coronavirus and human rights: new guidance highlights support for persons with disabilities. available on website: www//

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Arabic books:

Arabic Books:

I. UNAIDS, rights in the time of covid - 19: lessons from HIV for an effective community-led response (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2020).UNAIDS, human rights in the time of covid-19: lessons from HIV for an effective community-led response (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2020).

II. Hassan Mohammed Shafiq Al-Ani, the theory of public freedoms: analysis and documentation( Baghdad: House of books, 2004).

III. Khadija Arafa Mohamed, "the concept of Human Security," International Center for international and Strategic Studies, No. 13, second year, January 2006.

IV. Riad Aziz Hadi, human rights: their development - their contents-their protection( Baghdad: House of Books,2005).

V. Abdul Wahab Al-Kayali et al., the political encyclopedia (Beirut: Arab Foundation for studies and publishing, 1990), p.1.

VI. Maher Henein, sociology of marginalization in the time of Corona: fear, fragility, expectations (Tunisia: Tunisian Forum for economic and social rights, 2020).

VII. A group of researchers, the corona crisis and its implications for Sociology, Political Science and international relations (Doha: Ibn Khaldun Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020).



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