The principle of the peaceful transfer of power in the constitiutions in force of Iraq ,Egypt and Tunisia


  • Shaddad Khalifa Khazaal College of Imam University Balad


The Peaceful Transfer Of Power, Democratic, Elections, Political System, Constitutions


Democratic regimes, after several experiments, have come to respect the existing legitimate authority, which took its legitimacy from the people’s election. The basis for the peaceful transfer of power represented a guarantee for the flourishing of democratic norms and traditions in them, because it ensured the achievement of justice among all the major influential political parties that wished to receive power through elections. The principle of peaceful transfer of power is the basic premise for the establishment of a just and equitable political system, through which the establishment of a constitutional state with three authorities independent of each other, a legislative authority that undertakes the tasks of oversight and legislation, a judicial authority with independent judicial power, and an executive authority fully accountable to the two authorities is achieved. Legislative and judicial.


أولاً: المعاجم:

First: Dictionaries:

I. ابن منظور. محمد بن مكرم، لسان العرب، ط1، ج3، بيروت: دار صادر، 1976.

II. ابن منظور. محمد بن مكرم، لسان العرب، ط1، ج11، بيروت: دار صادر، 1976.

ثانياً: الكتب:

Second: books:

First: dictionaries:

First: Dictionaries:

I. Son of a perspective. Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, C3, Beirut: Sadr House, 1976.

II. Son of a perspective. Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, C11, Beirut: Sadr House, 1976.

Secondly: books:

Second: books:

I. Salah Salem zarnouka, patterns of seizure of power in the Arab state, Vol.2, Cairo: Metoli library, 1993.

II. Ali Ghalib Khudair Al-Ani and Nouri Latif, constitutional law, Kuwait: Dar Al-Fikr foundation for printing and publishing, (D, V).

III. Hamid al-Saadi, principles of constitutional law and the development of the political system in Iraq, Mosul: Dar Al-Hikma for printing and publishing, 1990.

IV. Munther Al-Shawy, Constitutional Law, Vol. 2, Baghdad, legal library, 2007.

V. Salah Salem zarnouka, patterns of seizure of power in the Arab countries, Vol.1, Beirut, unity Studies Center, 2012.

VI. Abdelghani Bassiouni Abdallah, political systems, Vol. 4, Alexandria, Maarif establishment, 2002..

VII. Hussein Abdel Hamid Ahmed Rashwan, political parties and pressure groups, Egypt, 2008.

VIII. Hussein Othman, political systems, Beirut: Halabi human rights publications, 2008.

IX. Hassan Shafik ANI, comparative political and constitutional systems, Cairo: alatek for the book industry, 2007.

X. Saadeddine Ibrahim, society and the state in the Arab world, Beirut, Center for unity studies, 1988.

XI. Osama Al-Ghazali, political parties in the third world, Kuwait, world of knowledge series, 1987.

XII. Abdulreda taan, the social dimension of political parties, Baghdad, House of Public Cultural Affairs, 1990.

Third: translated books:

Third: Translated books:

I. Michel Stewart, modern systems of government, translated by Ahmed Kamel, reviewed by Suleiman Al-Tamawi, Beirut, the House of Arab Thought, 1962.

II. Andrio Horio, constitutional law and political institutions, translated by Ali mokled and others, Vol.2, Vol. 1, Beirut: Al-Ahlia publishing and distribution, 1974.

Fourth: periodicals:

Fourth: Periodicals:

I. Samer Moayed Abdul Latif, the crisis of the peaceful circulation of executive power and the future of change in the world, Journal of the Faculty of law Karbala, P4, 2013.

II. Rafi Khader Saleh, political parties: a series of lectures delivered to master's students at the University of Babylon, 2010.

III. Ahmed Thabet, political pluralism in the Arab world, Beirut, Arab future magazine, P.125, 1992.

Fifth: letters and theses:

Fifth: Letters and Dissertations:

I. Karim Zeidan Khalaf Al-Jubouri, the principle of the peaceful circulation of power and its applications in the Iraqi constitutions, master thesis, 2014.

II. Maha Abdul Latif al-Hadithi, the problem of succession to power and its impact on political stability in the third world, PhD thesis, University of Baghdad, 1994.

Sixth: constitutions:

Sixth: Constitutions:

I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.

II. The Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt of 2014.

III. The Constitution of Tunisia of 2014 in force.

I. صلاح سالم زرنوقة، انماط الاستلاء على السلطة في الدولة العربية، ط2، القاهرة: مكتبة متولي، 1993.

II. علي غالب خضير العاني ونوري لطيف، القانون الدستوري، الكويت: مؤسسة دار الفكر للطباعة والنشر، (د، ت).

III. حميد الساعدي، مبادئ القانون الدستوري وتطور النظام السياسي في العراق، الموصل: دار الحكمة للطباعة والنشر، 1990.

IV. منذر الشاوي، القانون الدستوري، ط2، بغداد، المكتبة القانونية، 2007.

V. صلاح سالم زرنوقة، انماط الاستلاء على السلطة في الدول العربية، ط1، بيروت، مركز دراسات الوحدة، 2012.

VI. عبد الغني بسيوني عبد الله، النظم السياسية، ط4، الاسكندرية، منشأة المعارف، 2002..

VII. حسين عبد الحميد احمد رشوان، الاحزاب السياسية وجماعات الضغط، مصر، 2008.

VIII. حسين عثمان، النظم السياسية، بيروت: منشورات حلبي الحقوقية، 2008.

IX. حسان شفيق العاني، الانظمة السياسية والدستورية المقارنة، القاهرة: العاتك لصناعة الكتب 2007.

X. سعد الدين ابراهيم، المجتمع والدولة في الوطن العربي، بيروت، مركز دراسات الوحدة، 1988.

XI. اسامة الغزالي، الاحزاب السياسية في العالم الثالث، الكويت، سلسلة عالم المعرفة، 1987.

XII. عبد الرضا الطعان، البعد الاجتماعي للاحزاب السياسية، بغداد، دار الشؤون الثقافية العامة، 1990.

ثالثاً: الكتب المترجمة:

Third: Translated books:

I. ميشل ستيورات، النظم الحكم الحديثة، ترجمة احمد كامل، مراجعة سليمان الطماوي، بيروت، دار الفكر العربي، 1962.

II. اندريو هوريو، القانون الدستوري والمؤسسات السياسية، ترجمة علي مقلد واخرون، ج2، ط1، بيروت: الاهلية للنشر والتوزيع، 1974.

رابعاً: الدوريات:

Fourth: Periodicals:

I. سامر مؤيد عبد اللطيف، ازمة التداول السلمي للسلطة التنفيذية ومستقبل التغيير في العالم، مجلة كلية القانون كربلاء، ع4، 2013.

II. رافع خضر صالح، الاحزاب السياسية: مجموعة محاضرات القيت على طلاب الماجستير في جامعة بابل، 2010.

III. احمد ثابت، التعددية السياسية في الوطن العربي، بيروت، مجلة المستقبل العربي، ع125، 1992.

خامساً: الرسائل والأطاريح:

Fifth: Letters and Dissertations:

I. كريم زيدان خلف الجبوري، مبدأ التداول السلمي للسلطة وتطبيقاته في الدساتير العراقية، رسالة ماجستير، 2014.

II. مهى عبد اللطيف الحديثي، مشكلة التعاقب على السلطة واثرها على الاستقرار السياسي في العالم الثالث، اطروحة دكتوراه، جامعة بغداد، 1994.

سادساً: الدساتير:

Sixth: Constitutions:

I. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005.

II. دستور جمهورية مصر العربية لسنة 2014.

III. دستور تونس لسنة 2014 النافذ.


First: dictionaries:

First: Dictionaries:

I. Son of a perspective. Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, C3, Beirut: Sadr House, 1976.

II. Son of a perspective. Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, C11, Beirut: Sadr House, 1976.

Secondly: books:

Second: books:

First: dictionaries:

First: Dictionaries:

I. Son of a perspective. Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, C3, Beirut: Sadr House, 1976.

II. Son of a perspective. Mohammed bin Makram, the tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, C11, Beirut: Sadr House, 1976.

Secondly: books:

Second: books:

I. Salah Salem zarnouka, patterns of seizure of power in the Arab state, Vol.2, Cairo: Metoli library, 1993.

II. Ali Ghalib Khudair Al-Ani and Nouri Latif, constitutional law, Kuwait: Dar Al-Fikr foundation for printing and publishing, (D, V).

III. Hamid al-Saadi, principles of constitutional law and the development of the political system in Iraq, Mosul: Dar Al-Hikma for printing and publishing, 1990.

IV. Munther Al-Shawy, Constitutional Law, Vol. 2, Baghdad, legal library, 2007.

V. Salah Salem zarnouka, patterns of seizure of power in the Arab countries, Vol.1, Beirut, unity Studies Center, 2012.

VI. Abdelghani Bassiouni Abdallah, political systems, Vol. 4, Alexandria, Maarif establishment, 2002..

VII. Hussein Abdel Hamid Ahmed Rashwan, political parties and pressure groups, Egypt, 2008.

VIII. Hussein Othman, political systems, Beirut: Halabi human rights publications, 2008.

IX. Hassan Shafik ANI, comparative political and constitutional systems, Cairo: alatek for the book industry, 2007.

X. Saadeddine Ibrahim, society and the state in the Arab world, Beirut, Center for unity studies, 1988.

XI. Osama Al-Ghazali, political parties in the third world, Kuwait, world of knowledge series, 1987.

XII. Abdulreda taan, the social dimension of political parties, Baghdad, House of Public Cultural Affairs, 1990.

Third: translated books:

Third: Translated books:

I. Michel Stewart, modern systems of government, translated by Ahmed Kamel, reviewed by Suleiman Al-Tamawi, Beirut, the House of Arab Thought, 1962.

II. Andrio Horio, constitutional law and political institutions, translated by Ali mokled and others, Vol.2, Vol. 1, Beirut: Al-Ahlia publishing and distribution, 1974.

Fourth: periodicals:

Fourth: Periodicals:

I. Samer Moayed Abdul Latif, the crisis of the peaceful circulation of executive power and the future of change in the world, Journal of the Faculty of law Karbala, P4, 2013.

II. Rafi Khader Saleh, political parties: a series of lectures delivered to master's students at the University of Babylon, 2010.

III. Ahmed Thabet, political pluralism in the Arab world, Beirut, Arab future magazine, P.125, 1992.

Fifth: letters and theses:

Fifth: Letters and Dissertations:

I. Karim Zeidan Khalaf Al-Jubouri, the principle of the peaceful circulation of power and its applications in the Iraqi constitutions, master thesis, 2014.

II. Maha Abdul Latif al-Hadithi, t




