The dimensions of considering the Iraqi marshes an international protectorate


  • Ekram Hadi Hamza Al-Iraqia University - College of Law and Political Sciences


legal nature, decision, referral, final, public bids


The research is in the international dimensions of considering the marshes of Iraq an international protectorate. It is summarized in finding answers to a set of questions that are embodied in the nature of the Iraqi marshes as an international reserve on the one hand, and what distinguishes the international reserve from other legal systems. Finally the dimensions that result from considering it an international reserve within the World Heritage List. There are those who say that the term international protection appeared in the modern era, which requires a statement of the legislative basis for regulating protection for this internationally important phenomenon on the one hand; And nationally, through the statement of the legislative basis at the internal level in Iraq on the other hand, and then a statement of the conditions that must be met in the selection of the water body on the third hand. Where protection exists means preserving the existing by resorting to legitimate methods The protection of water bodies is not only a necessary condition for protecting the environment, but it is one of the basic keys to food security and all types of collective security such as health, economic and social or human development in general. We have decided in this research to show the importance that the Iraqi Marshes enjoy historically, nationally and internationally, which constituted a certain fact that imposes itself and strongly because it is considered an international protectorate, then logically that it entails international dimensions on the one hand and governmental and international obligations alike on the other hand, for this important international consideration that was not It comes out of nowhere. The marshes of Iraq have been lofty and ancient since the dawn of the first civilizations. Finally, the end did not end with the study of these dimensions; Rather, we are certain that there are certain challenges faced by the marshes in Iraq, which made us discuss them as well, and God bless.


القرآن الكريم.

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