Transformation International Rules Convention to Custom


  • Basim Ghanawe Alwan University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Sciences
  • Saddam Hussein Wadi University of Babylon - College of Law


Tritese, International customs, International law


International custom is one of the oldest sources of public international law, and it is credited with forming this law. However, it differs from international conventions as they are basic sources in that the latter is broader, clearer and more specific, while international custom is characterized by its ambiguity and breadth of comprehensiveness. Therefore, countries sought to codify the rules of international custom in written documents in the form of multilateral or legal international treaties. You find the broad scope of the obligation of these treaties in contravention of the principle of relativity of the effect of treaties. If it is possible to transform customary rules into convention rules, the opposite is also true. Convention rules can be transformed into customary rules by the abundance of text in the treaty documents and their frequent follow-up. You will find that the convention rule turns over time into a customary rule that states are bound by, whether they are parties to the treaty or not. This is certainly after the availability of the basic conditions that the international custom necessitates in its formation, which are the material pillar represented by the repeated behavior in adopting the agreement text, and the moral pillar represented by the mandatory belief towards this text.


أولاً: الكتب:

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ثانياُ: البحوث والمجلات:

Second: Research and Journals:

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ثالثاً: الرسائل والاطاريح:

Third: Theses & Dissertations

I. رضوان احمد الجاف، حق الإنسان في بيئة سليمة في القانون الدولي العام، أطروحة دكتوراه، جامعة القاهرة، كلية الحقوق، 1998.

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رابعاً: الاتفاقيات الدولية:

Fourth: International Treaties:

I. اتفاقية فيينا لقانون المعاهدات لعام 1969

خامساً: قرارات المحاكم الدولية:

Fifth: Decisions of International Courts:

I. Report of International Arbitral Awards..Island of Palmas case.Netherlands.U.S.A. The Hague,4 April 1928.vol.(II).

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XII. I.C.J.Report.1986.

سادساً: تقارير لجنة القانون الدولي:

Sixth: Reports of the International Law Commission:

I. Yearbook Of International Law Commission. 1966. Vol. (1), part (II).

II. Yearbook of International Law Commission, 1995, session (47).


First: the books:

First: Books:

I. Abu Abdulmalik Saud Khalaf Al-numais, public international law, 1st floor, law and Economics Library, Riyadh, 2014.

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Second: research and journals:

Second: Research and Journals:

I. Abdullah Al-ashaal, the role of the third United Nations conference in establishing customary rules of the law of the sea, Egyptian Journal of international law, Vol. (35), 1979, p. 48.

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III. Leila Issa Abu Al-Qasim, listing international legal norms and their binding force, a research published in the Journal of Tikrit University of law, Year (8), Vol. (4) March 2016, P. 450.

IV. Wael Ahmed Allam, the rules of international law, research published in the Journal of Law, University of Sharjah, Vol. (213), P. (10), year 2012, p. 18.

Third: letters and theses:

Third: Theses & Dissertations

I. Radwan Ahmed Al-Jaf, human right to a healthy environment in public international law, PhD thesis, Cairo University, Faculty of law, 1998.

II. Mohamed Magdy Morjan, effects of treaties for non-party states, PhD thesis, Faculty of law, Cairo University, 1981, p.239.

Fourth: international conventions:

Fourth: International Treaties:

I. Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties of 1969

Fifth: decisions of international courts:

Fifth: Decisions of International Courts:

I. Report of International Arbitral Awards..Island of Palmas case.Netherlands.U.S.A. The Hague,4 April 1928.vol.(II).

II. P.I.C.J.Series.A/NO(1),1923.

III. P.C.I.J.series,A/B,NO(46).1932.

IV. I.C.J.Report,1949.

V. I.C.J.Report,1951.

VI. I.C.J.Report.1955.

VII. I.C.J.Reports,1969.

VIII. I.C.J.Report.1974.

IX. I.C.J.Reports.1982.

X. I.C.J.Report, 1984.

XI. I.C.J.Report.1985.-

XII. I.C.J.Report.1986.

Sixth: reports of the International Law Commission:

Sixth: Reports of the International Law Commission:

I. Yearbook Of International Law Commission. 1966. Vol. (1), part (II).

II. Yearbook of International Law Commission, 1995, session (47).




