The impact of the competencies of the provincial councils on human rights


  • Omar Juma'a Salih University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Mountser Alwan Kareem University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


حقوق الانسان ،اختصاصات مجالس المحافظات ، اللامركزية الادارية


Human rights are among the highest levels of public order. The state seeks to ensure their protection and non-violation. Since satisfying the needs of individuals and providing them with the best services are among the priorities of the administration, the administrative organs that are concerned with this will have a permanent influence on those rights. They either contribute to their protection or to be a cause of violating those rights. After the functions and tasks of the modern state have been multiplied, it has become very difficult for all the needs of individuals to be satisfied by the central state authorities. Therefore, it was necessary to give a role to the decentralized local bodies to carry out the tasks of satisfying the needs of local individuals, as they are more capable than others to perform this role. As a result of this, administrative decentralization arose as a method or method of administrative organization


أولًا: الكتب:

First Books

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ثانيًا: الرسائل الجامعية:

Second: Theses:

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ثالثًا: البحوث العلمية:

Third: Scientific Research:

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رابعًا: الدساتير والقوانين:

Fourth: Rules and Constitution:

I. دستور جمهورية العراق لعام 2005, المنشور في جريدة الوقائع العراقية, العدد 4012, في 28/12/2005.

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خامسًا: القرارات القضائية:

Fifth: Judicial decisions:

I. قرار المحكمة الاتحادية العليا ذي العدد 13/اتحادية/2007, في 16/7/2007.

II. قرار المحكمة الاتحادية العليا ذي العدد 16/اتحادية/2008, في 21/4/2008.

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First: the books:

First Books

I. Dr. Ahmed Saqr Ashour, public administration (comparative environmental portal), 1st floor, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya for printing, Beirut, 1979.

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XII. Dr. Hani Ali al-tahrawi, local administration law, local government in Jordan and Britain, Vol.1, First Edition, House of culture for publishing and distribution, Amman, 2004.

Second: university theses:

Second: Theses:

I. The victory of the waterfall of MARD, the legal determination of the authority of regional decentralized administration, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Nahrain, 2008.

II. Jane Yasser Hussein, balancing irregular conservatism in the region-a comparative study -, master's thesis, Faculty of law, Dhi Qar university, 2016.

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IV. Ali Kaddouri Jafar, the role of administrative control in ensuring the principle of legality, master's thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Nahrain, 2012.

V. Yamama Mohammed Hassan Kashkul, the legal system for the establishment and organization of federal units in Iraq (comparative study), master's thesis, Faculty of law, Mustansiriya University, 2010.

Third: scientific research:

Third: Scientific Research:

I. Dr. Ismail sa'aa ghidan, administrative-territorial decentralization in Iraq –a study in the overlap of competencies and control-, Journal of the message of rights, the fourth year, the special issue of the research of the first national legal conference, 2012.

II. Dr. Ismail sa'aa Ghaidan Al-Badiri, supervisory competence of local authorities in Iraqi legislation (Comparative Study), Journal of the Kufa Studies Center, Vol.1, No. 26, year 2012.

III. Suha Zaki Nouri, and Wahj Khudair Abbas, the financial powers of Provincial Councils under the Second Amendment law to the law of irregular provinces in the region No. 21 of 2008, law journal for Legal Studies and research, No. 12, year 2016.

IV. Dr. The headache of Daham Toukan, the conflict of administrative jurisdiction under the law of irregular governorates in the province No. 21 of 2008, Journal of Tikrit University of law, Year 8, Vol.3, No. 29, March 2016.

V. Qatada Saleh Al-Saleh, the legislative organization of the work of local councils in Iraq, the Journal of the message of rights, the fifth year, the third issue, 2013.

VI. Mohammad Jabbar Taleb, the right to information as a human right, Journal of the Faculty of law/Al-Nahrain University, Vol.16, No. 1, year 2014.

VII. Mahmoud Obaid Ali al-Zubaidi, administrative powers of the governorate councils conflict and overlap in the light of the law of irregular governorates in the region No. 21 of 2008, Journal of rights, Vol.3, No. 10, year 2010.

VIII. Yamama Mohamed Hassan Kashkol, the impact of legislative drafting on the application of laws (a study in the law of irregular governorates in the region No. 21 of 2008), Journal of law, Mustansiriya University, Vol. (4), Issue (18), 2012.

Fourth: constitutions and laws:

Fourth: Rules and Constitution:

I. The Constitution of the Re




