Procedural legal protection for shareholders in achieving criminal justice


  • Fatima Abd Ryman University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Abdulrazaq Talal Jassim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


Legal protection, shareholders, criminal justice


Legal protection for those contributors to achieving criminal justice, including the category of witnesses, experts, detectives and victims, is one of the important rights that should be provided to them due to the importance of the role they play in the field of detecting and proving crimes against their perpetrators As it is possible that these individuals will be exposed to some influences and pressures that affect their performance, which leads them to refrain from telling the truth or changing it, hence the need to provide protection for them and their family members. The topic of the research deals with the procedural legal protection for these individuals by highlighting the Law on the Protection of Witnesses, Experts, Detectives and Victims No. (58) of 2017. The adoption of this protection represents a guarantee of human rights in the first place and also represents a strengthening of the criminal justice system, and that the law on the protection of witnesses, experts, informants and the victims of the above came in implementation of the global and regional agreements signed by the Republic of Iraq, which urges the states parties to include protection measures within their laws>


أولاً: الكتب:

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ثانياً: الرسائل و الأطاريح

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ثالثاً: البحوث:

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رابعاً: القوانين والأنظمة والتعليمات العراقية:

Fourth: Iraqi laws, regulations and instructions:

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Second: letters and theses

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Third: Research:

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Fourth: Iraqi laws, regulations and instructions:

Fourth: Iraqi laws, regulations and instructions:

I. Penal Code No. 111 of 1969.

II. Code of Criminal Procedure No. 23 of 1971.

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IX. Instructions No. 1 of 2019 facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the law on the protection of witnesses, experts, informants and victims No. 57 of 2017.

X. Regulation No. (4) of 2019 determining the grounds and amount of compensation and remuneration for those covered by the provisions of the law on the protection of witnesses, informants, experts and victims No. (58) of 2017.




