Distributive justice and its role in building good citizenship and enforcing financial laws


  • Ahmed Khalaf Hussein Al Dakheel Tikrit University- College of Law


Distributive justice, functional justice, good citizenship, financial laws


    This research sheds light on an important image of functional justice, which is the image of distributive justice that corresponds to both procedural justice and penal justice. It is considered limited in its content to the purely utilitarian material aspect, but it has started, since nearly three decades, to take another additional dimension, which is the moral dimension, whether psychological or social, which gives it an important function in building good citizenship and then positively affecting the enforcement of financial laws.  


أولاً: المصادر باللغة العربية:
First: References in Arabic:
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ب - البحوث والدراسات:
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ثانياً: المصادر باللغة الانكليزية:
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