Education for digital citizenship


  • Hania Mohamad Ali Fakih Lebanese University - Faculty of Law and Political Sciences


Technology, internet, social media, youth, digital citizen, political participation, human rights, democracy


The technological revolution of the Media and communication has led to a fundamental change in several fields: political, economic, social, cultural and educational. The whole world is forced to keep pace with this development and benefit from it in order to improve and develop societies. The education of digital citizenship was a modern model for teaching young people the limits that should be adhered to, when using smart devices, electronic computers, and the Internet for the benefit of the country and the citizen, or in other words, the responsible political participation of youth through social media in managing the affairs of their country.


أولا: الوثائق:
First : Documents:
I. الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان
II. الدستور اللبناني 1926
ثانيا: الدراسات:
Second: Studies:
I. باسل احمد ذياب عامر، "أزمة المشاركة السياسية وتأثيرها على عملية التحول الديمقراطي في فلسطين (1993-2013)، أطروحة مناقشة في العام 2014
ثالثا: مواقع الانترنيت:
Third: Internet Website:

