The Challenges of National Reconciliation in Libya after 2011-2021


  • Badria Saleh Abdullah University of Baghdad - Center for Strategic and International Studies


National Societal Reconciliation, Libyan political system, Armed groups, Transitional Justice, Political reform


The protests were in Libya in 2011 and began in certain areas and then spread to include all segments of the people on February 17, 2011, The revolution was carried out by the youth who revolted against the regime of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and with the support of all Libyan society, which was based on belonging to the tribe before belonging to the state and preferred Customs and traditions to civil laws, in particular. After the control of the rebels and the defection of Interior Minister Abdel Fattah Younis from Muammar Gaddafi and his regime, and since the establishment of the National Transitional Council as the sole legitimate representative of the revolution of February 17, 2011, the process of democratic transition began in a new stage that the Libyan people had not witnessed before, and the National Transitional Council was established under the leadership of Mustafa Abdel Jalil In which representatives of the various local councils in the different regions of Libya participate, and differences emerged between the internationally recognized government resulting from the democratically elected House of Representatives, and armed groups outside the government’s authority, which negatively affected national reconciliation in Libya.  For the success of the national reconciliation process in Libya, real actors should be present at the negotiating table, militia leaders, tribal leaders, political leaders and army representatives in the former regime, as well as disarmament and the integration of fighters into society, and state institutions should be supported by supporting transitional justice institutions, applying the principles of fairness to victims, and not employing eradication (Isolation Law political) towards revenge, and dismantling social and historical grievances.


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Third: English books:





