The Developmental Role of Women in Light of Security, Economic and Social Challenges: Iraq after 2003 as a Model


  • Ammar Saadoon Albadry Al-Mustansiriya University- College of Political Science


women's rights, challenges, security, economic, social


The study aims to clarify the Iraqi women's rights after the American occupation of Iraq in 2003 in light of the multiple challenges she faced. The study hypothesized the women's security social and economic challenges affect, negatively on the developmental role for a woman in the Iraqi society. The significance of the study lies in the fact that women's rights are part of human rights and that the analysis of the various challenges faced by the Iraqi women after 2003 and limiting them benefit the development of society. The study reached several results and suggestion; the social, economic, and security conditions that Iraqi society had experienced have a clear impact on determining the type of participation that Iraqi women perform in various areas of development.


اولا: الوثائق:

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ثانيا: الكتب:

Second: Books:

Referencesfurther reading

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