Problems of Implementing the Arbitrators Judgment and Granting it the Executive Power. A Comparative Study


  • Fadia Mohammed Ismael University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Sciences
  • Meeri Kazem Obaid University of Babylon - College of Law


Implementing Problems, Arbitrators ruling, Executive force


Objection is a request to stop the execution of the arbitrators, judgment if it is based on legal reason. So, it (objection) is one of the ways that the convict resorts to stop the implementation of the arbitrator's judgment. The dispute, which people involved in it, is related to the subject. For instance, the consistent conduct dispute in the documented editions is an example of objective dispute. The people may cause dispute to come to execution, and in such a case it is called temporary dispute. As an example for it (temporary dispute) when the executive authority lacks jurisdiction and then, the problems of judgment execution is going to be clarified.


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رابعاً: القوانين:

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Third: judicial decisions:

Third: Legislative Decisions:

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Fourth: the laws:

Fourth: Laws:

I. Iraqi pleadings Law No. 83 of 1969 as amended.

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VI. The French Code of procedure, amended by Decree No. 48of 2011.




