The Role of National Reconciliation Committee in the Transitional Justice


  • Afrah Jassim Mohammed University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Khalifa Ibrahim Aoda University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


transitional justice, national reconciliation, human rights


The research deals with the transitional period in Iraq and the changes that lead to a democratic country governed by the right standards. People should obtain their rights and freedom which are provided in the 2005 effective constitution. The foundation of supporting bodies was one of the results of such changes. The Supreme Criminal Court, the Property Dispute Body, Political Prisoners Body, and the National Reconciliation Committee were examples of those establishments. The National Reconciliation Committee is one of non-judicial transitional justice whose job is achieving reconciliation among the different sects of Iraqi people in addition to the political blocs. The Committee had a role in achieving the aim according to the authority it had been granted. So, national reconciliation is one of non-judicial procedures that contributed in the transitional period in Iraq in addition to other procedures which aim at establishments' reform, achieving justice, and human rights reinforcement after a set of changes and disputes. All the aforementioned should lead to ensuring compensation of the previous regime victims, reinforcement of recovery, founding an independent body to monitor security.


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