The Rights of Future Generations to Natural Resources - Oil and Gas According to the 2005 Constitution


  • Hussein Rashid Jasim Jawad University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


generational rights, Natural Resources, oil and gas.


The upcoming generation's right to natural sources (oil and gas) is one of the issues that have been interested in at the national and international level. Such an interest caused to many international conventions and conferences which confirmed the right (oil and gas) and urged the democratic governments to assure such rights in their constitutional legislation and laws as general and obligating rules so as to save it and avoid losing it. Natural sources are one of the fundamental legal bases of the oil states which depend on it as a cause of power, sovereignty, a requirement of the current generation, and a guarantee for the upcoming generation. So, it is a joint point between the generations. The study identified the significance of involving the rights of the upcoming generations in the Iraqi government constitution 2005 item 111 and 112 and distributing the revenue. In addition, the study mentioned the effect of oil change in price on the upcoming generation rights.


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