The Legal Basis for Environment Protection at the National Level


  • Sagban Mohammed Mahan University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Abdulrazzaq Talal Jasim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


National legal basis for environmental protection, constitution, legislation


    Environment has been liable to pollution risk for the industrial revolution. The Significance of environment began through making laws impliedly which could be educed via text inner related to economic and social rights. But after Stockholm Conference, most states managed to include environment protection in their laws and issued legislations including Iraq.      Via analyzing the legal texts we may conclude that most states adopted the protection of environment in their new constitutions. But this protection is still unable to cope with pollution risk.      According to the aforementioned, we suggest amendment of Iraqi constitution 2005 to make a state and citizens responsible for protecting environment in addition to the amendment of environment protection and enhancement law as to accord with the risk of environment pollution risk.


أولاً- الكتب:

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ثانياً- الرسائل والأطاريح الجامعية:

Second: Academic Theses and Dissertations:

I. اياد سعود هاشم عبد المسعودي, دور الادارة المحلية في حماية البيئة في التشريع العراقي_ دراسة مقارنة, رسالة ماجستير, كلية القانون, جامعة كربلاء, 2014.

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ثالثاً- القوانين والقرارات:

Third: Laws and Decisions:



I. دستور جمهورية العراق (29 نيسان) لسنة 1964.

II. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 1968.

III. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 1970.

IV. دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005.



I. قانون العقوبات العراقي رقم (111) لسنة 1969 المعدل.

II. قانون الصحة العامة رقم (89) لسنة 1981.

III. قانون أدارة الدولة العراقية للمرحلة الانتقالية لسنة 2004.

IV. قانون حماية وتحسين البيئة رقم (27) لسنة 2009.

V. قانون الغابات والمشاجر الزراعية رقم (30) لسنة 2009.

VI. قانون السيطرة على الضوضاء رقم (41) لسنة 2015.



I. قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (307) لسنة 2015 في(10/8/2015)


The books:

First: Books:

I. Dr. Ehsan Hamid al-mafraji and Dr. As a guest of grace and Dr. Raad Nagy Al-Jeddah, the general theory of constitutional law and the constitutional system in Iraq, Vol.4, Al-Atik company for the book industry, Cairo, 2011.

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VIII. Dr. Abdel Razzak El-Baz, the constitutional basis for the protection of the environment from pollution, University thought House, Alexandria, 2007.

IX. Abdel Sattar Younis al-Hamdouni, criminal protection of the environment a comparative study in objective judgments, House of legal books, Egypt, 2013.

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Theses and theses of the University:

Second: Academic Theses and Dissertations:

I. Ayad Saud Hashim Abdul Massoudi, the role of local administration in environmental protection in Iraqi legislation_ comparative study, master thesis, Faculty of law, Karbala University, 2014.

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Laws and resolutions:

Third: Laws and Decisions:



I. Constitution of the Republic of Iraq (April 29, 1964).

II. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 1968.

III. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 1970.

IV. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.



I. Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969 as amended.

II. Public Health Law No. 89 of 1981.

III. The Iraqi state administration law for the transitional period of 2004.

IV. Environmental Protection and improvement Law No. 27 of 2009.

V. Forestry and agricultural quarries Law No. 30 of 2009.

VI. Noise Control Law No. 41 of 2015.



I. Cabinet Resolution No. (307) of 2015 on(10/8/2015).




