The Role of Institutional Judiciary in Protecting the Individuals Right in the Legal Security under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005


  • Ammar Taha Shihab Ahmed University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science
  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science


Constitution, judiciary, legal security


The individuals' right to the legal security is one of the modern rights in the developed states. Because of the significance of the right in the stability of the relation between the government and individuals, the authorities should be abided by it when practicing its tasks which stated by constitution. A legal rule may issue after several objective and formative procedures and eventually, to be applied to the applicants. But such a rule may violate the constitutional texts. In such a case an aggrieved person can only appeal the decision in the Supreme Court via procedures stated by constitution. We have researched the procedures as to achieve the legal security. The easiness of the procedures may cause issuing clearer decisions that can affect the court decision of a case positively. In addition, we discussed the decision of the constitutional case and found that the decisions of the court varied; aborting the non-constitutional law and refrain from applying it. So we chose the refrain from applying the law and leave the abortion to the legislation authority and to publish the decision in the official newspaper since it is more guarantied for the individuals' right to legal security.


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ثالثاً: الدساتير:

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رابعاً- القوانين:

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Second: scientific journals:

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Third: constitutions:

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I. The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq of 2005.

Laws and regulations:

Fifth: Laws:

I. The Iraqi state administration law for the transitional period of 2004.

II. The First Amendment Law (Order 30 of 2005) is the law of the Federal Supreme Court.

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Fifth: regulations:

Sixth: Systems:

I. The rules of procedure of the federal court in Iraq No. 1 of 2005.

Sixth: websites:

Seventh: Online Resources:

I. The decision of the Federal Supreme Court, published on the website:

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Seventh: foreign sources:

Eighth: Foreign Resources:

I. Fromont, le princêpe de securite juridique, A.G.A. 1996, p178.

II. James R. Maxeiner, Legal Certainty: A European Alternative to American Legal Indeterminacy, University of Baltimore, vol,15,2007,p543




