Constitutional and legislative powers of the US president


  • Shaddad Khalifa Khazaal College of Imam University - Balad


US President, Executive Powers, Judiciary, Senate.


The importance of this research appears as it deals with constitutional and legal issues related to the skill of the administration of the American president, and his limited powers, as the head of the executive authority as represented in the American Constitution, and the additions he obtained as a result of the practical reality and as a result of the size of the powers and relations entrusted to the American president, his role and position became similar to that of the emperor and thus It cannot be assumed that all persons occupying this office shall have wisdom, equanimity, in the exercise of their powers. The position is tempting and may be occupied by those who are not qualified for it, and from here some have directed a torrent of criticism for the arrogance of power among the presidents in their dealings with other countries of the world.  


المصادر العربية:
Arabic resources:
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