Arbitrator's Judgment as an Executive Bond Comparative Study


  • Fadia Mohammed Ismael Diyala University - College of Law & Political Science
  • Miri Kadhum Obaid University of Babylon – College of Law


Arbitrators judgment, Executive bond


The provisions are the most important and highest-ranked executive bonds, as they affirm the substantive right in a way that no other bonds do. On the one hand, its composition surrounds sufficient guarantees to reach the truth, as it is issued by a judge in judicial litigation ,after investigating the facts and evidence of the case .on the other hand ,the law ensures decisive effective in confirming the right through the authoritative command of res judicata, and considers judicata, and considers judicial rulings are the executive bonds the most common in the is this place will show the role of the provisions of the arbitrators bonds executive and nature that characterize whether acknowledged legislation and jurisprudence to consider the provisions of the arbitrators bonds executive ,and that we deal here with the provisions of the arbitrators is regarding executive bonds implementation of any implementation, which requires the use of coercive force were ended after the convict him for an executive copy of the judgment of the arbitrators.



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