The Effect of Materials Means in Saving Troubled Commercials Projects



effect, material means, saving, commercial projects, troubled


Giving troubled commercial projects legal opportunities to rearrange their affairs, and then return them to commercial life is similar to returning the dying person to his normal life. The commercial law is either a cause of bankruptcy which causes many employees layoff or it can give a legal chance as to make the merchant make use of his mistakes and back to his work. It is necessary to find solutions represented by means that prevent bankruptcy on stumbling projects, and at the forefront of these material means is the release of the debts, which represents a real guarantee to get out of the financial crisis of these commercial projects, through which it is possible to convince the mass of creditors to absolve the troubled project or company from debts, as well as the release. The acquisition method can be relied on to save the troubled projects, and this requires that there be an agreement Effective control, according to legal procedures, by a company with a strong financial position, over a reluctant, sick, troubled company.


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اخر زيارة للموقع الالكتروني بتأريخ 9/ 4/ 2022
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Sixth: Online resources:
The last visit to the website was on 4/9/2022
II. https: //trading-secrets. Guru.
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III. https: //
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