Criminal Response to Radioactive Contamination


  • Ammar Ali Mohammed Northern Technical University - Iraq


Criminal, Contamination, Radiation, Environment


In fact, The environment in natural state is balanced with all its constituent elements which were set up with it, and to estimated volumes and qualities that ensure the environmental balance, however the human being and through his destructive intervention in the environment via contamination which causes many problems related to his projects and installations, specifically radioactive, which assumed dimensions not only environmental but also serious economic, social  dimensions , therefore states who strove to confront increased risk resulting from contamination by monitoring the huge amounts of money to struggle it via legal regulation, in particular the criminal law indicates that actions causing contamination and to establish the criminal liability of the infringement to those acts, besides, imposition of deterrent penalties in order to protect the environment, and to ensure the human right to live in a healthy and clean environment.


- القرآن الكريم.

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- The Holy Quran.

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V. Awaz Behrooz Mohammad, radiation pollution, research published on the website:




