The role of Iraqi legislation in the right to sustaining the social development


  • Afrah Mohammed Salman University of Diyala – College of Law and Political Sciences
  • Balasim Adnan Abdullah University of Diyala – College of Law and Political Sciences



Sustain social development , Iraqi legislation, Social justice.


Iraq is one of the countries that has witnessed turbulent and violent political transformations and events since the establishment of the Iraqi state in the last century, these transformations and events had great repercussions on all aspects of economic social, social and political life, and had a great impact on human rights in Iraq, especially the rights to sustain social development ,as it is still facing enormous development challenges, the government and the people must address them, starting with widespread poverty, economic stagnation, lack of basic services, environmental degradation, continued armed violence and political instability, all of which negatively affect the life of the individual and society and destruction Infrastructure, which leads to a limitation of the possibility of enjoying rights, especially the right to sustain social development.    


اولاً: الكتب العربية والمؤلفات:

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ثانياً: الكتب المترجمة:

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ثالثاً: الرسائل والاطاريح:

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رابعاً: المجلات والدوريات:

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خامساً: المؤتمرات والندوات:

Fifth: conferences and symposium:

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سادساً: الدساتير العراقية:

Sixth: Iraqi constitutions:

I. دستور العراق النافذ عام 2005.

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First: Arabic books:

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Second: Translated Books:

I. (Thomas Piketty), Capital in the Twenty-First Century, translated by Wael Gamal, New Thought Library, Beirut, 2016, p. 8.

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Fourth: Journals and Periodicals:

I. Amal Abdul Hussein Alwan, the role of civil society in consolidating the principles of democracy and human rights in Iraq, Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics and Social Sciences, Part Three, Issue 28, Iraq, 2018.

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XIII. Walid Abd Jabr, Managing Cultural Diversity and Sustaining Development in Transitional Societies (Iraq as a Model), Al-Adaab Journal, Issue 119, Iraq, 2016.

Fifth: Conferences and Symposium:

I. Batoul Sarawa Ubadah, The failure of the Iraqi government’s investment legislative policy, research submitted to (The Legislative Reform Conference, as path towards good government and combating corruption), Al-Nabaa Foundation for Culture and Media, University of Kufa, College of Law, April 25-26, 2018.

Sixth: Iraqi Constitutions:

I. The Constitution of Iraq 2005, inforce.

II. Law of Administration of the Iraqi State for the Transitional Period of 2004.






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