he wife's right to nationality and its international implications (a comparative study)


  • Raghad Abdul-Ameer Modhloom University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines




Husband and wife, right to nationality, principle of equality


Nationality is a human right, as it has been endorsed by most of the international legislations of most countries even the constitutions of those coutries affirmed this right and  this right and made it a right enjoyed by both sexes, man or woman, without distinction between them. Nationality has importance in the life of the individual and the state, as it is the legal tool to determine The people of the state, which is the main gateway to rights and duties, and given the endorsement of the principle of equality in the right to nationality for both sexes, this was reflected in giving the woman, as a wife sharing with the husband in the same family, this wife was granted her right to nationality just like the husband by allowing the laws of some countries to pass her nationality on to her children as an example By the husband, the latter is no longer the only person in the family to grant the nationality, but the wife has a right to the nationality equal to the husband's. Especially in the case of mixed marriages, and among these laws are the Iraqi. Nationality Law No. 26 of 2006 in force and the Egyptian Nationality Law No. 154 of 2004. However, these laws had foundations and Certain controls for the wife to exercise her right to nationality, just like the husband, and the principle of equality in the right to nationality between husband and wife as an international principle, but it is considered recent in the laws of some countries that recognize the equal right of the wife to he husband to nationality, which raised in their laws some problems related to granting the wife her nationality to her husband or her children Young children, especially what is elated to the type of nationality granted by the wife, and all this ad legal and international effects on both the husband and the children alike, which requires the legislators of these countries o intervene by finding some solutions to reduce some of the negatives that may be considered a violation of the wife's right nationality Like the husband.


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الاتفاقات الدولية:

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الدساتير والقوانين :

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International agreements:

I. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

II. United Nations Convention on the Nationality of Married Women of 1957.

III. Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1959.

IV. International Institute for Civil, Political and Economic Rights of 1966.

V. International Institute of Social and Cultural Rights 1966.

VI. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women of 1979.

Constitutions and laws:

I. Iraqi Nationality Law No. 42 of 1924 (repealed).

II. Moroccan Nationality Law 1958 (repealed).

III. Iraqi Nationality Law No. 43 of 1963 (repealed).

IV. Egyptian Nationality Law No. 26 of 1975.

V. Moroccan Nationality Law of 1997.

VI. Egyptian Nationality Law No. 154 of 2004 (in force).

VII. The Iraqi Constitution of 2005.

VIII. Iraqi Nationality Law No. 26 of 2006 (in force).

IX. Moroccan Nationality Law 2007.

X. Moroccan Nationality Law 2011.

XI. Egyptian Constitution of 2011.

XII. Moroccan Constitution 2011.

Researches and scientific journals:

I. D. Hassan Al-Yasiri, The role of the mother in transmitting nationality to children in Arab and Iraqi legislation - a comparative study, Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) Magazine, Issue 12, 2022.

II. Dr.. Imad Khalaf Daham, The extent of achieving equality between women and men in the Iraqi nationality law, Al-Qalam University College Journal, Kirkuk, Issue 2, Volume 6, November, 2022.

III. Dr.. Muhammad Al-Mahdi, The extent of a woman’s right to transfer her nationality to her children based on the right of blood, a comparative study, Judicial Supplement Journal, Morocco, Issue 4, January 2007.

IV. Dr.. Mustafa Sidney, The Legal Center for Women and Children in Moroccan Nationality Law, published research, Albu Ghaz Journal for Legal and Judicial Studies, first issue, July 2019.

Reports and research published on the website:

I. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Women’s Refugee Committee, Equal Citizens, published on the website. https://www.refworld.org

II. Dr.. Fattouh Al-Shazly, Women’s Rights in the Egyptian Nationality Law, article published by the National Council for Women in Egypt, April 27, 2022 on the website http://www.ncw.gov.eg

III. General Recommendation No. (2) Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 13th session, 1992, equality in marriage or family relations.

