The impact of tolerance in promoting human rights and reducing extremism: Iraq as a model


  • Hayba Abdul majeed Al Sa'eed Gharbi University Salih Bubneider Qasantina - College of Political Science - Algeria
  • Mohammed Kadhim Hashim University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines



Tolerance, human rights, extremism, Iraq


The issue of human rights, establishing them, and striving to spread them, strengthen their concepts, and expand their scope of coverage are still important issues that preoccupy the human mind in general and the political mind in particular. Since the emergence of the human community and up to contemporary times, man continues to suffer from the violation of rights, various rights, in various places and societies, both advanced and backward. Therefore, there is a need to establish a discourse of tolerance as one of the important means to address cases of human rights violations and to address the turmoil and instability experienced by societies and countries alike, including Iraq. Preoccupation with the concept of tolerance and its role in dealing with these cases has become an urgent need, given the recurring cycles of violence, which have negatively affected the stability of countries and societies, destabilized their existence, robbed them of their identity, and dismantled their cohesion. The preoccupation with the concept of tolerance is based on the idea that, Coexistence that is built on the values ​​of tolerance, dialogue, and bonds of cooperation and sharing can be built upon and can continue without the types of coexistence built on the basis of a balance of power, weapons, and money. This study is an attempt to address a basic problem: reliance on extremism, violence, and lack of tolerance represents one of the prominent signs of contemporary societies, especially our Arab and Islamic societies, and its continuation is considered one of the great challenges to humans and their rights, especially the basic ones represented by their right to live and be safe, and their right to think, opinion, and belief.


القرآن الكريم

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The Holy Quran

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