Judicial guarantees of the right to decent work in Iraqi legislation


  • Ahmed Fadhil Hussein University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Scines
  • Waleed Mahmoud Abed Al-Qaisi University of Diyala - College of Law and Political Science




Workers, work, court, laws


The judiciary has a major role in protecting the right to decent work in Iraq through the presence of the Federal Supreme Court, which is responsible for monitoring the constitutionality of laws issued by the legislative authority. In addition to this court, there is the Labor Court, which seeks to monitor the application of the provisions of social laws related to workers (the Labor Law and the Labor Law). Retirement and social security for workers), as the presence of these two courts is an important guarantee in protecting workers’ rights by enabling them to enjoy the right to work, as judicial guarantees are considered one of the effective types of guarantees to protect human rights and public freedoms, including the right to decent work. Among this oversight is the judicial oversight of the constitutionality of laws, as it is considered one of the vital and important means of providing guarantees to protect rights from any violation or transgression by the authorities in the state. Constitutions often assign this type of oversight to special constitutional courts, and in addition to this type of courts there are also Courts specialized in labor cases, responsible for adjudicating various labor issues that may arise between employers on the one hand and workers on the other hand. Or between them and the government agencies concerned with labor issues. We see in these two types of courts an important judicial guarantee that can be resorted to by workers and employers whenever a dispute arises between them regarding issues related to labor issues.


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