The Islamic preacher and his role in protecting human rights in society


  • Shahla Yas Abbas Imam Al-Kadhim College, peace be upon him



Islamic preacher, protecting rights in society.


Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds alone, with no partner, and may blessings and peace be upon the standing of the prophets, Muhammad, and upon his family and companions, and whoever follows his guidance until the Day of Judgment. As for what follows:

Islam is a religion with lofty principles embodied in the protection of the individual in the society in which all people live. It is a general message for all human beings. It is not specific to one people without another, nor to one race without another, nor to one continent without another. It addresses all sects and components of the community, including Arabs, Muslims, Kurds, Turkmen, Christians, and Jews. And others, his message is universal and his theory is universal, which is to reform the human soul, especially since he bases his dealings on preserving one of the five necessities, which is human dignity and respect for the rights of Muslims and non-Muslims, and the basis of its construction is on justice and equality, and this is confirmed by the Almighty’s saying ((O people! We have created you from a male and a female and made you Peoples and tribes that you may come to know each other: The most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most pious. Indeed, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.) Islam has laid down foundations and rules for regulating all types of human rights, whether between individuals and groups within the Islamic community itself or between the Islamic community and other human communities that differ with them in belief alike.


القرآن الكريم

I. تفسير الرازي، ابو عبدالله محمد بن عمر بن الحسن بن الحسين التيمي. الرازي الملقب بفخر الدين الرازي خطيب الري، ت٦٠٦هـ/دار احياء التراث العربي بيروت ط٣ ١٤٢٠هـ.

II. اساس البلاغة/الزمخشري جار الله ابي القاسم محمود بن عمر، دار صادر بيروت ط ١١٣١٢هـ/١٩٩٢م.

III. استراتيجية الثقافة العالم الاسلامي، اقرها مؤتمر القمة الاسلامي في دورته السادسة ١٩٩٧.

IV. الاصول من الكافي/ثقة الاسلام ابي جعفر محمد بن يعقوب بن اسحاق الكليني الرازي رحمه الله(ت ٣٢٨- ٣٢٩) صححه وعلق عليه أكبر الغفاري. دار الكتب الاسلامية مرتضى آخوندي طهران. بازار سلطاني ط١ ، ٣٨٨هـ.

V. الامة الاسلامية والتحديات، اعداد المعاونية الثقافية للمجتمع العالمي للتقريب بين المذاهب الاسلامية.

VI. تأثير الغزو الثقافي على سلوك الشباب العربي، احسان محمد الحسن، ط١ الرياض، ١٩٩٨

VII. التبليغ مناهجه واساليبه، جعفر البخارى. مكتبة مطالعة وتدوين المناهج الدراسيه المركز العالمي للدراسات الاسلامية ،ط١.

VIII. التلفزيون والفديو والسينما، احمد النكلاوي الاعلام المرئي دون ط. دار الرياض

IX. الخصائص العامة للاسلام، يوسف القرضاوي. مؤسسة الرسالة. بيروت ط١٩٩٣

X. دراسات في فقه اللغة/د. صبحي ابراهيم الصالح بيروت ت١٤٠٧ دار العلم بيروت ط١ /١٣٧٩هـ.

XI. غرر الحكم ودرر الكلم لامير المؤمنين علي بن ابي طالب عليه السلام، القاضي ناصح الدين ابي الفتح عبد الواحد التميمي دار الهادي بيروت لبنان ط١ ١٩٩٢م.

XII. الغزو الفكري(الاسباب، الاهداف، الوسائل) احمد جمال الطاهر، دون ط، ١٤٣٦هـ/٢٠١٥م

XIII. الغزو الفكري، احمد عبدالرحيم ط١،وزارة الاوقاف والشؤؤن الاسلامية،. قطر.

XIV. مجمع بحار الانوار في غرائب التنزيل ولطائف الاخبار، جمال الدين محمد طاهر بن علي الصديقي الهندي الفتي الكجراني.

XV. مختار الصحاح، محمد بن ابي بكر بن عبد القادر الرازي نشر دار الرسالة الكويت ١٩٨٣.

XVI. المدخل الى علم الدعوة، محمد ابو الفتح البيانوني مؤسسة الرسالة بيروت، ٢٠٠٠م

XVII. المسلم بين الاصالة والتحديات، ابراهيم موسى (ط الدوحة) دار الثقافة، ١٤١٣هـ/١٩٩٢م.

XVIII. المعجم الوجيز، ابراهيم مدكور، ط ١ ،١٩٨٠ منشورات دار الثقافة ايران قم

XIX. الوقاية ودورها في منع الجريمة، احمد حسن محمد، دار القاهرة.


The Holy Quran

I. Interpretation of Al-Razi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Omar bin Al-Hasan bin Al-Hussein Al-Taymi. Al-Razi, nicknamed Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, the Khatib al-Ray, d. 606 AH / Dar Ihya’ al-Arabi al-Turath, Beirut, 3rd edition, 1420 AH.

II. The Foundation of Rhetoric/Al-Zamakhshari Jarallah Abul-Qasim Mahmoud bin Omar, Dar Sader, Beirut, 11312 AH/1992 AD.

III. Strategy for the culture of the Islamic world, approved by the Islamic Summit Conference at its sixth session in 1997.

IV. Al-Usul from Al-Kafi/Thiqah Al-Islam Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Ya’qub bin Ishaq Al-Kulayni Al-Razi, may God have mercy on him (d. 328-329). It was authenticated and commented on by Akbar Al-Ghafari. Dar Al-Kutub Al-Islamiyyah, Morteza Akhoundi, Tehran. Sultani Bazaar, 1st edition, 388 AH.

V. The Islamic nation and challenges, preparing cultural assistance for the global community to bring Islamic sects closer together.

VI. The impact of cultural invasion on the behavior of Arab youth, Ihsan Muhammad Al-Hassan, 1st edition, Riyadh, 1998.

VII. Reporting, its methods and approaches, Jaafar Al-Bukhari. Library for reading and recording academic curricula, International Center for Islamic Studies, 1st edition.

VIII. Television, video and cinema, Ahmed Al-Naklawi, Visual Media without ed. Dar Al Riyadh

IX. General characteristics of Islam, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. Al-Resala Foundation. Beirut 1993 edition

X. Studies in Philology/Dr. Subhi Ibrahim Al-Saleh, Beirut, d. 1407, Dar Al-Ilm, Beirut, 1st edition / 1379 AH.

XI. Gharar al-Hikam and Pearls of Words by the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, Judge Nasih al-Din Abi al-Fath Abd al-Wahid al-Tamimi, Dar al-Hadi, Beirut, Lebanon, 1st edition, 1992 AD.

XII. Intellectual invasion (causes, goals, means) Ahmed Jamal Al-Taher, without edition, 1436 AH / 2015 AD

XIII. Intellectual Invasion, Ahmed Abdel Rahim, 1st edition, Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs,. Qatar.

XIV. Majma’ Bihar al-Anwar fi Ghareeb al-Tanzil and Latif al-Akhbar, Jamal al-Din Muhammad Tahir bin Ali al-Siddiqi al-Hindi al-Fati al-Kajrani.

XV. Mukhtar Al-Sahah, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Abdul Qadir Al-Razi, published by Dar Al-Resala, Kuwait, 1983.

XVI. Introduction to the Science of Da’wah, Muhammad Abu al-Fath al-Bayanouni, Al-Risala Foundation, Beirut, 2000 AD

XVII. The Muslim between Authenticity and Challenges, Ibrahim Musa (Doha edition), House of Culture, 1413 AH/1992 AD.

XVIII. The Brief Dictionary, Ibrahim Madkour, 1st edition, 1980, Publications of the House of Culture, Iran, Qom.

XIX. Prevention and its role in preventing crime, Ahmed Hassan Muhammad, Cairo House.

