The Role of Government Institutions in Protecting Human Rights in Iraq after 2003


  • Zinah Abdulameer Abdulhassan Aliraqia University - College Of Law and Political Science



citizen, human rights, state, progress, institutions.


Human rights are among the main issues that emerged greatly after 2003 and the American occupation of Iraq and with the great and new challenges that Iraq witnessed during that critical period, especially on the security level, human rights in Iraq have declined dramatically and have become the Iraqi citizen aspires to obtain his most basic rights, such as living a secure and dignified life. And bypassing Iraq many of these challenges, whether on the security or political level, have become a duty for the state  and Its institutions give great importance to human rights issues, especially with the presence of a collective awareness among them people need to get their full rights and their freedoms after a large number of protests that it was witnessed by the Iraqi arena as an expression of dissatisfaction with the work of the state and its institutions and the obvious shortcomings in it during many years, it has not been able to achieve progress in it or meet the needs of the citizen, so it has become incumbent on all state institutions today, especially since Iraq is looking forward to making progress and development related to reality economic, social and political to give human rights great importance through a number of laws and legislation that guarantee the rights of individuals from all segments of the people And what can the Iraqi citizen from the feeling that he lives in a country that provides and protects his rights as a citizen and that those rights cannot be compromised and that the state and its institutions work to strengthen and protect them, which will have the greatest impact on the work of the state and the citizen's sense of satisfaction with its work that provides them with these rights, which will be reflected in a form or another on the state's policies and its endeavor to achieve the desired progress and development.


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Sixth: Foreign books

I. Christian Tomuschat, Human Rights Between Idealism and realism, Oxford University Press, Third Edition, United Kingdom, 2014.

II. James Griffin, On Human Rights, Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2008.

