Iraqi Social Reality and Its Effect on the State Rebuilding


  • Nagham Natheer Shuker Center of Strategic and International Studies – University of Baghdad


social reality, Iraq, State rebuilding


There is an issue and a problem facing contemporary societies, namely the question of the correspondence between human’s identity and the people’s identity, on the one hand, and the identity of the political system and the state, on the other hand. The reality is that the differences and discrepancies in the identities of any society or state is a relative issue and not absolute and it is variable in time and space. All communities have a degree of national, religious, or political diversity. Some countries have managed to achieve a degree of consistency for their individuals, peoples and political system to ensure maximum political consistency among citizens. Other countries fails to achieve this consistency, so that a growing rift of cracking and schism between the identities of individuals, society and the political system. This has been exacerbated by the repercussions of contemporary civilization and the sense of the individuals that their linked to their societies, political systems and states is either being able to interact with or to be unacceptable for continuing to interact with.


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