The Future of The International Political System - A Study of The Rising International Powers


  • Karar Dhiyab Al-Fatlawi Al-Qadisiyah University- College of Archeology
  • Wissam Nazim Al-Khikani Al-Qadisiyah University- College of Education for Girls



Future, International System, Rising Powers.


Many international experiences have proven the basic hypothesis that the international political system is not a fixed state, but rather in a state of continuous change and transformation organized by many interactions between international units, whether states or institutions, and this transformation is dominated by the nature of circulation between powers in the hierarchy of power in the system. In addition to the relative shift in the concept of power, which is “the transition from military power to economic power” in international politics, and its concentration gradually shifted from the countries of the West to the countries of the East, which proves the existence of a transitional state of international leadership from the Western countries to the rising powers little by little, This is due to its great ability to adapt, attract foreign investments, absorb technology, and its rapid economic growth. This makes the rising powers have a major economic and political influence on international relations in general


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